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a little bit

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with Virginie

Become a French language and culture expert via private classes, small groups, and online courses

Meet Your French Teacher - Virginie


Bonjour, c'est Virginie

I am a native of the Rhone valley region of France and a naturalized American citizen. I now reside in the beautiful French cathedral town of Chartres after years of living and working abroad in Italy, England, and the US.


For over ten years now, I have specialized in assisting adult non-native French speakers develop and improve language comprehension and verbal skills through a unique immersive experience in conversational French. From the simple give and take of day-to-day chitchat in French to in-depth discussions of French history and culture, I engage my students to think, hear, and speak the language.


If you are ready to take your interactive French to a whole new level of ability and understanding, I would love the opportunity to introduce myself and develop a custom program to achieve your goals.

Learn French in different ways

Private Classes

Private weekly French online classes | 4x1hr

249 € per person, per month

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Group Classes

Weekly online group meetings | 4x1.5 hrs

249 € per person, per month

Online Courses

Choose between 3 French online courses

249 € per person, per month


Did you know that?


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Did you know you could converse (speak + understand) in French with only 600 WORDS?

The average French person only uses between 300 and 3,000 WORDS. 

This means that if you can master a relatively short list of words, you’ll be able to express yourself like the average French person!

Improve your French before your trip to France with this short,  yet super efficient course, which will give you strong foundations for everyday conversation!

199 € / lifetime access
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Helping you become

a little bit

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in 3 easy steps 

Submit your email and get this FREE 3-step mini course that will teach you how to incorporate frenchness in your every day life!

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