Here’s a very festive song about Paris and the month of May! I think you will also appreciate the fact that this song a nice reunion of old (Charles Aznavour) and new (Zaz) generations of French singing traditions. Plus, it contains lots of words so parfait pour your vocabulaire français!
I had already posted a song by French classic Charles Aznavour back In January, apparently I like his songs! Only this time, he has company… Zaz! She is a singer song writer who has been famous in France and in the rest of the world with her jazz and soul sounds since 2010.

What do you think of these 2 together?
I’m giving 2 different versions of the same song: J’aime Paris au mois de mai.
The second one is the official recorded version so better sound, the first one is live so more fun because you can see them sing and interact.
As always, les paroles en Français et la traduction en Anglais.
J’aime Paris au mois de mai – I love Paris in May Quand les bourgeons renaissent – when buds break into blossom again Qu’une nouvelle jeunesse – and a novel youth S’empare de la vieille cité – takes hold of the old city Qui se met à rayonner – which begins to glow
J’aime Paris au mois de mai – I love Paris in May Quand l’hiver le délaisse – when the winter forsakes it
Que le soleil caresse – and the sun caresses
Ses vieux toits à peine éveillés – its still waking up old roofs
J’aime sentir sur les places – I love the feeling, in the squares J’aime, dans les rues où je passe – in the streets where I pass, J’aime, ce parfum de muguet que chasse – of this lily perfume that chases Le vent qui passe – the passing wind
Il me plaît à me promener – I like to stroll around Par les rues qui se faufilent – through streets that weave À travers toute la ville – throughout the city J’aime, j’aime Paris au mois de mai – I love, I love Paris in May
J’aime Paris au mois de mai – I love Paris in May Lorsque le jour se lève – when the day is dawning Les rues sortant du rêve – the streets arouse from dreaming Après un sommeil très léger – after a very light sleep Coquettes se refont une beauté – beauties are getting their charms back
J’aime Paris au mois de mai – I love Paris in May Quand soudain tout s’anime – when suddenly everything comes to life Par un monde anonyme – with an anonymous crowd Heureux de voir le soleil briller – happy to see the sun shine
J’aime quand le vent m’apporte – I love when the wind brings me Des bruits de toutes sortes – sounds of all kinds Les potins que l’on colporte – and gossip that’s peddled De porte en porte – from door to door
Il me plaît à me promener – I like to stroll around Dans les rues qui fourmillent – the streets that are teaming En souriant aux filles – all the while the girls are dallying J’aime, oui j’aime Paris au mois de mai – I love, I love Paris in May
J’aime Paris au mois de mai – I love Paris in May Avec ses bouquinistes – with its book stalls Et ses aquarellistes – and its watercolorists Que le printemps a ramenés – (I love) that spring has returned
Comme chaque année le long des quais – as it does every year, along the quaysides
J’aime Paris au mois de mai – I love Paris in May La Seine qui l’arrose – the Seine that washes upon it Mille petites choses – and loads of little things Que je ne pourrais expliquer – I cannot possibly explain
J’aime quand la nuit sévère – I love it when the stark night Étend la paix sur terre – spreads peace over the land Et que la ville soudain s’éclaire – and the city suddenly lights up De millions de lumières – with millions of lights
Il me plaît à me promener – I like to stroll around Contemplant les vitrines – taking in the shop windows La nuit qui me fascine – in the night that fascinates me J’aime, j’aime Paris au mois de mai – I love, I love Paris in May
Alors ? Qu'en pensez-vous ?
Which version did you like the most?
Did you catch yourself singing along?
J'espère que oui!
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