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Learn French with music : sing in slow French, classic or exotic?

Writer: Virginie ParadisVirginie Paradis

Updated: Sep 10, 2024

Learn French with music

Time for another song: Mon amie la rose

Why did I choose this song for you? That’s easy:

-It’s a beautiful song drawing a parallel between the short lived beauty and existence of a rose and that of a woman.

-It’s a French classic any Francophile should know by heart!

-Françoise Hardy is timeless, strong, and fabulous.

Mon amie la rose is a slow song, perfect for French students.

As per every French song post, you will find here the French lyrics together with their English translations, so that you can fully enjoy your French learning experience.

Learn French with music

Françoise Hardy was born in Paris in 1944. She recently died at the age of 80 ans après une longue bataille avec le cancer.

She began her career in the early 1960’s becoming the Queen of French yé-yé. Today she remains one of France’s favorite female singers.

Learn French with music

I love Love LOVE the exotic version of this song by Egyptian-Belgian singer Natacha Atlas who beautifully mixes Arabic and western rhythms.

I am adding her version at the end of the lyrics below.

Mon amie la rose, la version de Françoise hardy :

On est bien peu de chose – We are so few things Et mon amie la rose – And my friend the rose Me l’a dit ce matin – told me so this morning

À l’aurore je suis née – I was born at dawn Baptisée de rosée – Baptized in dew Je me suis épanouie – I blossomed Heureuse et amoureuse – Happy and in love Aux rayons du soleil – In the rays of the sun Me suis fermée la nuit -I closed myself at night Me suis réveillée vieille – I awoke old

Pourtant j’étais très belle – Yet I was beautiful Oui j’étais la plus belle – the most beautiful Des fleurs de ton jardin – Of all the flowers in your garden

On est bien peu de chose – We are so few things

Et mon amie la rose – And my friend the rose Me l’a dit ce matin – told me so this morning Vois le Dieu qui m’a faite – See, the God who made me

Me fait courber la tête – Made my head bowed down Et je sens que je tombe – And I feel I’m falling Et je sens que je tombe – And I feel I’m falling Mon coeur est presque nu – My heart is almost bare J’ai le pied dans la tombe – I have the foot in the grave Déjà je ne suis plus – Already I am not Tu m’admirais hier – You admired me only yesterday Et je serai poussière – And I shall be dust Pour toujours demain – Forever, tomorrow

On est bien peu de chose – We are so few things Et mon amie la rose – And my friend the rose Est morte ce matin – Died this morning

La lune cette nuit – The moon this night A veillé mon amie – Kept vigil over my friend Moi en rêve j’ai vu – And I saw in a dream Éblouissante et nue – Dazzling and naked, Son âme qui dansait – Her soul, dancing Bien au-delà des nues – Above the heavens, Et qui me souriait – Smiling at me. Croit celui qui peut croire – Believe who can believe Moi j’ai besoin d’espoir – I need Hope Si-non je ne suis rien – Or else I am nothing

Ou bien si peu de chose – We are so few things C’est mon amie la rose – It is my friend the rose Qui l’a dit hier matin – Who said it yesterday morning

Mon amie la rose, la version de Natacha Atlas :


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