If you ever hear someone tell you French villages are boring (as opposed to big cities), surely, all it means, is that they haven’t come here yet!..
Mais oui! À Pélussin! Since I moved to Pélussin from Seattle last September 2017, I have shared many many posts with you about my new home.
14 blog posts, to be très précise.
Sharing my New French Village with You…

I began last Fall by telling you about la Fête de la pomme happening every November 11th.
I shared the history behind the two impressive viaducts.
I taught you about one of the top French Theater Icon of the 20th century: Gaston Baty, whose stunning home I use as a classroom during my Full Immersion Courses here in Pélussin.
And of course I created (and am still creating) a database of French interviews with French subtitles to help you improve your French comprehension twice as fast!
Why French subtitles? Because reading subtitles in English is just too easy + it doesn’t allow you to actually see what people are saying + after a while the brain stops trying to listen and only reads. Not great.
My French Interviews
So for you I interviewed François Garcia who owns a French café, the whimsical painter Gaëlle Dumont, Valérie Mouton-Ferrier an organic saffron farmer, Florence Lemoine the glass blowing artist, Suzanne Philidet the stained and fused glass artist, Samuel Desvignes’ organic soap company called La Savonnerie du Pilat, Catherine de Robert presenting both her textile art and her artist coop, Julie Coquard the cinéma director, Tâm Nguyen my neighbor French Asian cook & restaurant owner, and Sylvain Rodriguez my Qi Gong teacher and sound therapist!
Yes! All of this is taking place here, in my little French village Pélussin! Pas mal for one little village!
Not just any village though… un village ouvert, très cool, créatif, et artistique! A village you can come visit avec moi! Click here to find out how.
So what now?
Surely by now you’ve guessed, today is Pélussin blog post number 15! In fact, it is happening right now, I can hear it outside my window as I type this blog post! Wait… what’s it Virginie? What are you talking about?
It is a delightful, magical, beautiful Festival de Théâtre called Les Bravos de la Nuit, which has been happening here in Pélussin every single August (normally the last week) for over 30 years! Look at this year’s poster. I fell in love with it, and bought it so I can frame it and keep it pour toujours!
By the way, if you love this poster as much as I do, the artist Adeline Avril’s studio is located in the heart of Pélussin and she teaches one art class to some groups who come to my French Immersion Courses…
But back to LES BRAVOS DE LA NUIT… For the past 30 years, once a year during the last week of August, the Virieu neighborhood of Pélussin (the prettiest in my opinion) transforms itself into a giant stage for art, theater, human connection, fun, dancing, all sorts of performances, on that many different stages:
6 stages actually because “la billetterie is the place where you buy your “billets”, not a stage!
The stages can be inside cool rooms converted and decorated for the occasion, or outside! Like this stage called “Les Halles” during the day…
… or late at night (last night I went to see a show at 10pm)
The mission of this exciting artistic non profit is to promote the creation of contemporary theater by offering eclectic and sometimes slightly challenging plays to amuse and encourage reflection for us, audience members.
I’ve been going every day so far and it’s so festive, I do wish it lasted longer than a week because it brings such a playful ambiance to our streets!
Si vous êtes curieux, voici le programme: plays, teenage plays, music, concerts, dancing, clowns, fairy tales…
I even heard that last year a female clown pinched the mayor’s butt ha!
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